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Eye Trial Frame


Comprehensive 30 minute eye examinations

What to expect in the test:

  • History and Symptoms - The optometrist will discuss any problems you might have with your eyesight and general health. Your work and leisure activities will also be discussed to assess your visual needs. If you already wear glasses or contact lenses, we check them to see if they are still suitable for your vision.

  • Refraction - This part of your test finds out whether you need lenses to correct your eyesight. We test you near vision (for reading), your distance vision (for driving or TV) and your intermediate vision (for hobbies or computer work). We also check your binocular balance; ensuring your eyes are working together efficiently as a pair.

  • Extra tests - Intraocular pressures will be checked on everyone over 40 years old, younger if necessary. This can be important in screening for diseases such as glaucoma, especially if there is a family history. Visual field screening on an automated machine will be done where required, this is a test which assesses how wide of an area your eye can see when you focus on a central point. It can determine if you have any blind spots in your vision and where they are, useful in detecting a number of eye conditions again such as glaucoma.

  • Opthalmoscopy - This is where the optometrist looks at the back of your eyes, using either a hand held 'ophthalmoscope' or more commonly on a special microscope called a slit-lamp. Here the health of your eyes is evaluated, conditions such as diabetes, cataracts, hypertension and macular degeneration can be detected and monitored. If the optometrist feels it is necessary, a photo is taken with a Digital Retinal Camera of the back of the eye, to allow a more detailed inspection and monitor any changes from one visit to the next.

  • Eligibility for a Free NHS Sight Test: for full details please go to 


Accredited Optometrists

Black and White Star in Circle


The EHEW service provides patients with a more in-depth assessment of the health of the eyes, over and above that of a standard eye examination. Accredited optometrists such as ourselves have undergone further assessments and have higher minimum equipment levels than required for standard NHS eye examinations.

Research has shown that certain groups of people are much more likely to develop glaucoma, diabetes, cataracts and other related eye diseases. Other people in the scheme would find losing their sight particularly difficult, so special care needs to be taken to identify early eye disease.


Black and White Star in Circle


  • You have been referred by your GP

  • You have sight in only one eye.

  • You have a hearing impairment and are profoundly deaf - sight essential for lip reading.

  • You suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa or one of your parents has an inheritable eye disease.

  • Your family origins are Black African, Black Caribbean, Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi.

  • You are at risk of an eye disease by other race or family reasons. 

Black and White Star in Circle


Our Optometrists have undertaken extra training and accreditation allowing them to conduct the new style of examination known as the Primary Eyecare Acute Referral (PEARS) examination. This means that should you have an acute problem with your eyes (symptoms of less than a week duration), we will fit you in within 24 hours for an extended examination, concentrating on the health of your eyes. If we are unable to arrange an appointment within 24 hours we will provide details of other optometrists who also carry out this service. The examination may involve putting drops in the eyes to widen the pupils therefore allowing a wide, clear view of the backs of your eyes. We would advise you not to drive after this procedure, as vision may be blurry for some time afterwards.

For more information about these examinations, please follow the link: Eye Health Examination Wales

Your eye health is our top priority. Contact us today.

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 01745 812767 (Denbigh)

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